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所在的位置:首页 剧情片 玛丽和玛莎/同病







更新:2015-08-30 19:23:31

简介:A powerful and moving story of two ordinary mothers who won't give up. Written by Richard Curtis and directed by Phillip Noyce, Mary and Martha stars …
A powerful and moving story of two ordinary mothers who won't give up. Written by Richard Curtis and directed by Phillip Noyce, Mary and Martha stars Hilary Swank as Mary and Brenda Blethyn as Martha, an American and an Englishwoman who have little in common apart from a tragedy that unexpectedly brings them together. Empowered by their friendship, they form a partnership that takes them from their meeting in a remote part of Mozambique all the way to Washington. There they find redemption and achieve something they would have never thought possible. 希拉里·斯万克与布兰达·布莱斯分别饰演美国的室内设计师玛丽与英国的家庭主妇玛莎,两个人没有任何共通处,除了一点——她们失去了自己的儿子。玛丽带着幼子(卢克斯·哈内-贾丹)来到非洲探险,却没想到后者被疾疟夺走了生命,这让玛丽陷入深深的自责当中。她和丈夫(弗兰克·基里洛)的婚姻也岌岌可危。在莫桑比克,玛丽意外结识了玛莎,后者成年的儿子(山姆克拉夫林)在当地担任老师的期间也因为感染疾疟而离开了人生。 这两位截然不同的女人结成了坚实的友谊,一起投身到非洲疟疾防治的人道主义工作中去。凭借着无私的奉献,两位一度悲伤绝望的母亲重新找回了自己,她们的举动让世人看见,即使是最普通的人也能够带来改变,让世界成为更好的地方。